Stone House Creative - Vendor Spotlight - Amanda Douglas Events

Our friend Lauren from Stone House Creative was sweet enough to do a little interview with us! If you didn’t know of Stone House Creative already you’ve going to fall in love with all the floral designs and stunning work!

Describe yourself in 3 words…

Well, that’s hard. Outdoing introvert (I’m counting that as one word), vibrant, good-humoured (I love to laugh – but make terrible jokes myself).

What’s the best professional lesson you ever learned?

How to make my own website. I loved the process, and am really happy with how my website portrays Stone House Creative.

What was the last thing that gave you warm fuzzies?

My friends are starting to get pregnant. That’s really exciting! But I can’t tell you who : )

Stone House Creative - Vendor Spotlight - Amanda Douglas Events

Who inspires you?

Professionally, I look up to several different florists and event designers and love watching what they do. If you need some great wedding ideas, these are my favourites: Philosophy Flowers, Tinge Floral, Sweet Woodruff, Sinclair & Moore, and Hey Gorgeous Events. On a personal level, I really love looking at my grandparents’ marriage. They are just sweet as pie and love each other so much.

Stone House Creative - Vendor Spotlight - Amanda Douglas Events

Describe your perfect day as a florist.

A calm day designing, working on fun wedding bouquets! I would love to walk into my studio and see bucket after bucket of amazing flowers in gorgeous colours, and just design to my heart’s content. Bridal bouquets are my favourite, especially when a bride just lets me do whatever I want.

Describe your perfect day off.

First of all, it’s the summer! A beautiful day (I like it warm – 25-27 is perfect!) where I can lay on the grass and read, take a walk with my husband and eat on a patio. I love Kinsmen Lake, the public beach in Stonewall which was just a few minutes away from where I grew up. Maybe a movie in the evening or something relaxing to cap off the night!

Stone House Creative - Vendor Spotlight - Amanda Douglas Events

Besides friends and family, what are three things you can’t live without?

Flowers, definitely. If I go a couple of weeks without them, I get itchy! My Sunday School kids – I teach grade 3s, and they’re SO awesome and it’s so fun to watch them grow up! My pillow. I have a wonderful pillow (and it was only $5 at Superstore!).

What are you watching, reading and listening to right now?

I love the Mindy Project but have difficultly keeping up with it. I’m always listening to show tunes on Songza, and I’m always reading something different! It was one of my New Year’s resolutions to read 1 book a week. Currently I’m 1 week behind, so that’s not too bad : )

Stone House Creative - Vendor Spotlight - Amanda Douglas Events

In Winnipeg, where do you like to eat, get coffee, shop?

I just really love eating, in general. Saucer’s Cafe has DELICIOUS gnochhi and I love wood fired pizzas at Brooklyn’s Bistro and Pizzeria Gusto. I prefer lemonade to coffee! And my favourite women’s stores are definitely Anthropolgie and Mad About Style.

Looking back, what would you tell your 16 year old self?

16…let’s see. That would be grade 11. I would tell myself how to flirt better! I have actually been married to the very boy I started dating in grade 11, so maybe I didn’t do so badly after all!

Stone House Creative - Vendor Spotlight - Amanda Douglas Events

What is your favourite getaway location? Why?

New York City will always and forever be my favourite destination. I have serious cravings for NYC. I always wanted to be on Broadway, so the artistic, musical draw has always been there for me. There’s just a completely different energy there that is SO amazing!

Photos: Heather Payne Photography, Kamp Photography, Kat Willson Photography, Brittany Mahood Photography, Stephanie Godfrey Photography