Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily  - Amanda Douglas Events

Describe yourself in 3 words…

Bad with words.

Just kidding! Well not really… I guess if I had to pick three they would be: Creative, hard working, dependable.


What’s the best professional lesson you ever learned?

Work hard and treat others as you would like to be treated. Everything really comes down to this simple lesson!

Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily  - Amanda Douglas Events

What was the last thing that gave you warm fuzzies?

It’s usually an unexpected act of gratitude. Saying thanks goes a long way! When someone goes out of their way to tell you they are grateful for you or something you did is the best feeling.

Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily - Amanda Douglas Events

Janine Kropla Photography

Who inspires you?

There are so many hard working talented florists out there that are a huge inspiration! I think it’s one of those things where ‘it takes one to know one’. Seeing some of the work some floral designers create is inspiring knowing what kind of hard work and planning it took to create and pull off! I’m especially in awe of those that also run their own farms and produce the flowers they use.

Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily  - Amanda Douglas Events

Describe your perfect day as a florist.

Every day is so different, with so many different tasks to be done! I guess a perfect day would start with coffee and chocolate cake at my desk and getting through all my emails and paperwork. Actually having lunch (which pretty much never happens!). Then working with the freshest, lushest, most beautiful, blooms to create gorgeous floral bouquets and arrangements! Throw in a fun creative meeting with a client or vendor, or a source trip where I find every piece for an editorial or event that’s on my wish list, or a hand written note in the mailbox, or a Dropbox full of beautiful images from a photographer, and I think the day couldn’t get any better!


Describe your perfect day off.

My perfect day off would start with a real breakfast on my back patio, a stack of magazines or a good book, some time to putter around in my garden, maybe some time to go shopping, and then a fun and delicious dinner with my husband and friends.

 Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily - Amanda Douglas EventsBrittany Mahood Photography

Besides friends and family, what are three things you can’t live without?

My puppy dog, Hunter. He is such a character, always happy to see me, and can make a stressful day disappear in a second!

Chocolate, I really think if there was no chocolate that might just be the end for me!

Flowers! Of course flowers. Always, everywhere, must have flowers!


What are you watching, reading and listening to right now?

Right now I don’t have a ton of spare time, so I multitask and catch up on emails and paperwork while catching a show on tv. My guiltiest pleasure is the Bachelor! I love to read just about anything, I recently finished a biographical novel based on the life of Constance Spry. I love magazines too, anything from home decor, to travel, to fashion. I am a little musically illiterate so I just listen to whatever Songza tells me I’m in the mood for!

Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily - Amanda Douglas Events

Mackenzie Jean Photography

In Winnipeg, where do you like to eat, get coffee, shop?

I really like to shop but I don’t have as much time on my hands to shop like I used to! Lucky for me my next door neighbour at Oak & Lily is Poppie Clothing. I shop for 99% of my clothes there. I also love exploring other independent shops. My go to for coffee is Parlour or Little Sister Coffee Maker, they know how it’s done! Winnipeg has so many great restaurants I could never pick just one and it would take so long to name even my favourites!


Looking back, what would you tell your 16 year old self?

I would tell my 16 year old self to savor every moment! Do crazy things, have fun, and be nice!

Vendor Spotlight - Oak & Lily - Amanda Douglas Events

Gabrielle Touchette Photography

What is your favourite getaway location? Why?

I love going to the cabin in the summer. There is no tv, no phone, and no internet. We can sit on the dock in the sun, make great food, and just hang out and relax!


If you’re not already in love with Tatiana from Oak & Lily, or are and want to see more, check out their site here.