How to get rid of a cold before your wedding

Not the funnest topic as far as wedding planning goes but it’s a real problem. Stresses can mount, DIY projects can backlog, RSVP lists need to be finished, and then add in the rest of your life in the mix. It’s common to get a cold with all that going on. Getting a cold is the worst but getting it right before the wedding is that much worse. There’s some options to manage it of course (insert all sorts of cold and sinus pills here) but here’s our suggestions (and tried and true cures) on how to get rid of a cold before your wedding.

beautiful girl sleeps in the bedroom



First of all start off with giving yourself as much sleep as you can. That might seem like a hard thing to do with everything else that you have going on but like your mama always told you “You’ll never get better without some rest”. If you want to get rid of a cold before your wedding you’re going to need to rest as much as you can. If you can sit instead of stand – sit. If you can lay down on the couch while doing a DIY – lay down. Anyway or any chance to redirect your body’s energy to resting and repairing take it.



Cut all Sugar & Dairy

Two things that feed a cold = sugar and dairy. Cut it all out if you feel a cold coming on, during the cold, and as much as you can for the week after. Make sure that bug is really dead before you indulge (wedding cake excluding of course!)




It’s pretty much the cure-all for everything but yet none of us drink enough water. You’ve heard it – 8 cups a day. Do that at the minimum. Sure, have those yummy cold teas too. My big suggestions: Ginger, Peppermint, Dandelion Root.




One of the reasons you might have gotten sick in the first place is you took on too much on your own. You have a wedding party, family, friends, and all sorts of vendors there to support you. Be sure you’re using that support. They’ll take some stress off and help you rest.



Oil of Oregano

Otherwise known as the worst tasting cure out there. It’s strong, it’s concentrated, it kills the bad, and helps the good. It’s pretty much the superhero of herbs. Find what works for you but when I get sick I take 6 drops 4 times a day. I don’t want to be sicker any longer then I ever have to be.



Garlic & Pepper Until It Hurts

I wish I was joking but I’m not. Get yourself a blended pill of the two (most health aisles have this) and take as many as you can handle in a day. Kill the bad!



Epson Salt Baths

Salt baths are very relaxing, detoxifying, and are great right before heading to bed. A nice blend like this one is extra calming (Tip: You can DIY this as fun gifts for your bridesmaids too!)

Woman Wearing Wool Socks Sleeping in Bed


Do What Grandma Did

After you’ve taken that salt bath, your evening shot of garlic, pepper, and Oil of Oregano make yourself a Hot Toddy put Vick’s on your chest, bottom of your feed, put some warm socks on, and head to head.


Repeat all this for however many days you have and voila you’re better.

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